Measure your 3D scans in lifelike scale
Teleport provides tools to measure spaces or objects, notes at key points of interest, and even has the capability to export scenes for further modification in 3D software.
Teleport provides tools to measure spaces or objects, notes at key points of interest, and even has the capability to export scenes for further modification in 3D software.
While 3D scanning and sharing the scans with colleagues can be very beneficial by itself, you need additional functionality to make it even more useful. For example, in order to benefit from 1:1 scale with the real world, you need the ability to measure things in the scan, and those measurements must match real life. Teleport provides tools to measure spaces or objects, notes at key points of interest, and even has the capability to export scenes for further modification and use in 3D software and advanced visualization applications.
When working on projects that require precision, such as architecture, engineering or design, it’s important to have the ability to do precise measurements. All Teleport scans can be measured 1-to-1 with their real life counterparts down to centimeter precision. Teleport offers three different measurement options: Point to Point Distance, Point to Plane, and Arc Tool.
For practical instructions on measuring, visit the Teleport support page.
Annotations (notes) can serve as visual markers or reminders, directing attention to specific details, adding context, or conveying important information within the environment. Teleport supports adding notes to scenes, making activities such as planning or certain types of reviews using 3D scans easier.
Currently, annotations can be added and viewed via the Teleport Desktop Application.
Read more about annotations on the Teleport support page.
Teleport scans are useful far beyond just showing videos or VR renderings of the scan.You can leverage your scans as a data source for more advanced 3D scenarios. For example, you could use them to create video game levels, animated movies, 3D interior design, VR training scenarios, and much much more – the sky's the limit.
Exporting unlocks a plethora of new workflows beyond Teleport’s own capabilities. By incorporating third-party plugins, you can bring Teleport captures into Unity, Unreal Engine, and Blender. Whether it’s for virtual reality training scenarios, design reviews, or photorealistic backgrounds for immersive experiences, Teleport’s exporting feature further expands the horizons on what was previously possible. Learn more about exporting workflows and third-party plugins here.
Paying users can export their 3D reconstructions in the point cloud (.ply) format. Exported files can be easily shared with stakeholders, enabling broad collaboration even for those without Teleport.
Lastly, there is an option to export an auto-generated video from Teleport which flies through the scene, ideal for sharing with stakeholders or on social channels.
If you haven’t tried out Teleport yet, you can get started here.